Six Feet Under - 13 (2005) Death Metal Album Review

 Six Feet Under's 13, released in 2005 had a definite impact on me. I was 15 and just starting to get into death metal and extreme metal. In 2004 I discovered the highly underrated band Fear Factory. I started with Obsolete and select songs from Archetype and Digimortal, then worked my way back eventually discovering Soul of a New Machine, the first time I ever heard "death" vocals. 

I wasn't impressed lol. I thought it was stupid. But over time I moved away from the rock and nu-metal (Drowning Pool, Disturbed), and began listening to heavier and faster genres of metal. I discovered old Metallica and became obsessed with thrash metal especially Sepultura and Slayer. This introduced me to more extreme metal, namely Bloodbath, Kataklysm, Emperor, and yes, Six Feet Under.

On windows media I searched and found an mp3 of the song "Feasting On the Blood of the Insane", I really liked the death vocals and lyrics for the song, it almost sounds like he's rapping lol. This and Bloodbath's "Ways to the Grave" changed my perception of death metal, I got really into the early Fear Factory too, especially "Martyr", and "Scumgrief".

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So in 2005, not long after the album was released, I purchased it at a local store. I was worried my mom would find it because she's very religious and didn't approve of things like this, but luckily I snuck it by her.

I didn't really know what to expect, I had only heard one Six Feet Under song before. The first track, "Decomposition of the Human Race", starts with spooky and atmospheric noises that really set the tone for the album. Then the heavy bass and drums kick in, followed by thunderous guitar riffs. Once Chris Barnes' vocals start, it is pure headbanging material. The song kicks ass!

I really like the style of Six Feet Under, it is death metal, but it is different from say Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, or Dying Fetus. It has shades of rock in it. It sounds sort of like a more extreme version of Drowning Pool or Rob Zombie, which is pretty cool. Perhaps that is why they cover so many classic rocks songs including the entirety of AC/DC's "Back in Black" album.

The album continues its awesomeness with "Somewhere in the Darkness", one of their best tracks and a personal favorite. But "Rest in Pieces" and "Wormfood" are good too. So is the stellar title track, "13".

Track six is probably the very best one, "Shadow of the Reaper" has an addictive guitar riff that will stick in your head for days (like Judas Priest's "Breakin' the Law") and really cool lyrics:

"The shadow of the reaper, the shadow of the dead. Entombs the lifeless, the darkest black is cast.

The shadow of the reaper, will take its hand. The shadow of the reaper, the grave now calls you.

In the cemetery, you have been left unburied, the vultures pick at your eyes."

When I was 15, the lyrics for "Deathklaat" genuinely scared me. I still vividly remember the chills down my spine as my hair stood on end when hearing blasphemous lyrics for the first time. Good times lol.

"I'm going straight to hell, to burn in flames with the devil. Fuck the church and that Christian shit.

My tombstone's carved with a six, six, six. I don't care about the lies you preach.

Alive to live, not to believe, in a God that I cannot see."

"Deathklaat" is one of the heaviest songs on the album too and definitely a close second to the previous track. 

"The Poison Hand" is a great track with killer grooves and riffs. Heavy and doomy, I love it. 

"This Suicide" has a really cool riff, it sounds like it was written by Dimebag Darrell (R.I.P.) Sort of reminds me of "25 Years." 

"The Art of Headhunting" is decent but not their best outing, it does have amusing lyrics though.

"Chop, chop, chop! Off comes the head! I'm on a killing spree, machete in hand.

Run for your life, run for your life, headhunter of the cannibal tribe."

The album finishes with the speedy number simply titled, "Stump." A good headbanger and perfect closing track to a fun and heavy album.

Ultimately I really enjoy this album and give it five stars. A personal favorite! However, I think that fans of purely death metal will find it disappointing. There's no blast beats and Chris Barnes' vocals receive a lot of criticism. I think they sound fine on this album though later on they do become horrible (too much smoking?). Who I recommend this album to most are fans of bands such as Rob Zombie, Drowning Pool, Pantera and Hatebreed. 


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